Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Moarch Of The Glen.

Editing for monarch of the glen.

Age stereotype:

This is a Long take as the clip lasts for 15 seconds, the clip panns slowley across the scenery and the working men, the men are not working at a fast busy pace, they are working more sidately and in casual clothes. This represents the age as they have alot of time to complete this on, they are organised and don't realy have to focus to much, this shows that they know what they are doing and that they can afford to work in a laid back manour but still work effitiontly.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Regional identity

Regional identity:
accents in exam - identify charicter (pitch & tone)
nasel tone - northen
lack of vouls - southen
(estory english origionated in londen in the cockney accent but has spread accross england)

T.V drama's always link to londen

-think that southeners are soft

-dodgy car dealerships
-own pub's

-tense persona
-tweed caps

-Trust worthy
-out going

-curley hair

-Barry island
-Gavin and stacy

-Big ears (Garry Linekar walkers adverts, links to leicester)

-rural jobs
-friendly tone
-heavy metal

City    vs     Country
.loud & exiting       .Relaxing
.Concrete/bland      .Sites and views
.Stressfull (noise)   .Boring

Some Londeners talk in RP, mostly southern londen and posh outer counties.

Sexuality steriotype

Sunday, 6 November 2011

Male Gaze

The male gaze :
This is concept in what the audience see how the way how people are presented throughout the media.
*How the men will focus on women
*How the women look at the women
*How women will look at themselves.
Feminist theory
Laura Mulvey thought of the term of 'male gaze' in the year 1975. In what the film audience will have to view the charicters from the eyes of a hetrosexual male.
- Camera hangs on the curves of the female body, and events which occur to women are presented largely in the context of a man's reaction to these events.
- Relegates women to the status of objects. The female viewer must experience the narrative secondarily by identification with the male. 
Theory's feedback:
Some of the women that look upon the male gaze do not like the idea as they could find it demening by the way they will be looked upon but then again you get women that like the attention to there body and accept the concept of the male gaze. The gaze can also be directed toward members of the same gender for several reasons, not all of which are sexual, such as comparison of body image or clothing.

Categorising Facial Expressions
Women - Marjorie Ferguson (1980)
Chocolate Box - half/full smile, lips together/slightly parted, Teeth barely visible, Full/ three-quarters face to cameraInvitational - Emphasis on eyes, Mouth shut with a hint of a smile, Head to one side or looking back at the cameraSuper-smiler - Full face, Wide open, toothy smile, Head thrust forward or thrown back, Hair often wind blownRomantic or sexual - Includes male/ female 'two-somes', Dreamy, Heavy lidded, Overtly sensual/ sexual
Men - Trevor Millum (1875)
Seductive - Similar to cool/level, Eyes less wide, Expression is less reserved, but still self-confidant, MilderCarefree - Nymph like, Active, Healthy, Vibrant, Outdoor girl, Often smiling/grinning
Practical – Concentrating, Engaged in business in hand, Mouth closed, Eyes object directed, Sometimes a slight frown, Hair usually short style or tied back
Comic - Deliberately ridiculous, Exaggerated, Acting the fool, Pulling facesCatalogue - Neutral looks of a dummy, artificial, wax like, Features may be in any position- but most likely eyes wide open and a smile, Looks remain vacant and empty with personality removed.

Jonathan Schroeder 1998
To gaze implies more than to look at- it signifies a psychological relationship of power in which the gazer is superior to the object of the gaze.

Narrative codes

Roland Barthes
Roland Barthes was a semioligist; basically he was paid to look at the texts to decipher how they were put together. He described it like a ball of string, texts may be..
open - unravelled in lots of different ways

- when there is only one obvious thread to pull on.

Threads you pull on to try and unravell meanings are called Narrative codes and can be catagonsed in five ways.

Action code – something that implies something is going to happen
Enigma Code – something within a story makes you hink whats going to happen
Semantic Code – anyhing that siggests a particular often additional meaning by way of connoation
Cultural Code – relyson audience knowing same thing – body of knowledge
Symbolic Code – binary opposites

Binary Opposites - Levi Straus
He believed that the world was split into a series of binary opposites. Essentially only one thing can be defined in relation to something it isn't. E.g. a hero is only a herp is there is a cowardly option.

An organised collection of ideas. An ideology can be thought of as a comprehensive vision as a way of looking at things, a belief which helps explain the world around us


The 7 areas  of steriotypes: - Gender
- Age
- Ethnicity
- Sexuality
- Class and status
- Physical ability/disabillity
- Regional identity

Whats the Purpose/popularity of stereotypes?
The steriotypes relate to audience, also the audience understands the steriotype through passed down knowledge, some steriotypes can be posative - not all negative and false.

Problems/criticsmKey term - Mediation: The way the Media represent an idea to us.

- Stereotypes overlook th individual
- Place people in groups
- Qualities often exaggerated which leads to a caricature.
Leon Festinger - Theory of Cognitive Dissonance. Argued that we resist adjusting our attitudes unless faced with overwhelming evidence against it. Believed that we seek out confimation of our thoughts/beliefes.

Friday, 4 November 2011

Websites (Working title)

.Cheaper than advertising ont.v
.Wider audience whowill view advertising
.Easier to get out topublic
.Provides exclusives of upcoming releases
.More detail
.24/7 updates
.Viral marketing
.Contact details
.Archive material - past projects
.Awards / celebrations
.Merchindise / sales

Task - Evaluate working title's website commenting on what features make it particulary useful or interesting:

Working title have a large proffetional looking website with all different features, informing and entertaining accessories for the viewing audience. 
The website includes games, preview clips, outakes, games and interviews, also a particular feature to the website is it's actors video logs throughout the films. This feature is specific to working title's website, the websitehelps people to findinformation on the making of the films, get them intrestedin theupcomingnewfilms and provide the 'behind scenes feeling' by having the actors log and have them lead you around etc.

Wednesday, 2 November 2011

Hot Fuzz

  1. How many pieces of merchandise can you find for the film Hot Fuzz? Hot fuzz has it's own clothing range of combat trousers to fan t-shirts, it has toys and also soundtrack cd's and special edition dvd's. you can buy props and stuff online etc and special edition merchindise such as framed pictures etc.

  1. How many different versions of the Hot Fuzz DVD are there (you can include imports)? 6 different coppies

  1. What special features are contained on the two disc special edition DVD?  Behind the scenes, out-takes, narrators annotation through scenes
  2. Why do you think they place different ‘special features’ on DVD’s and who are these designed to appeal to? Special features such as the directors annotation will be for upcoming directors that want advice and learn aboout things to do with the creation of scenes they liked. There are other features like out-takes that are there to be funny and make us laugh and see the creation shooting side of it.

  1. How many Oscar winners appear in the film? 4 oscar winners

  1. What was the films opening UK box office takings? april 20th - 26th - $7,724,188


  1. What is its current world wide gross?
Total Lifetime Grosses


  1. What convention did Nick Frost and Simon Pegg attend in order to promote this film? comi'con

  1. Why do you think they chose to attend this particular convention so they get a good idea of what prime audience will want to be involved in the film and what the audience would want to get from a film such as 'hot fuzz' the british 'bad boys'

Hangover advertising campagn.

Advertising Campaign on Due Date



key term - Mediation

          The way the media represents an idea to us.

          .Sterio types overlook the individual place people in groups
          .Qualities often 'exaggerated' which leads to a caricature.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Dugg Bihlmaier

Dugg Bihlmaier is a miss conceptive man, he likes to be viewed as different and to get this elution he dresses in a different way, he uses plain colours and strait shapes. He is a big fan of the style that he invented called hobo sheik. This look is designed to go against the way that common society judges people, for example a person wearing the plain clothes with patch work pattern and short wasted jackets would be associated with no doubt the lower class as the style will look poor and un-caring.

This man is called Doug Bilmaier and he heads Ralph Lauren's vintage department. This gentlemen travels the world buying all the great vintage items (frames,books,fixtures etc) that you find decorating Ralph's stores.
When we 1st got shown the picture of him and told to write a short paragraph this is what I wrote,
This guy looks like he has took a lot of risks in life that haven’t paid off, leaving him homeless and living on the streets, if he was still in contact with family and friends then he wouldn’t be left to dress ad walk around in that way. His clothes are old and tatty, a shirt and big jacket insinuates that he is dressing warm along with his beanie hat even though the day looks quite warm itself. He is also smoking to me this makes him look as if he has given in and does not care anymore, his trousers are rolled up to his shins and make them look to short for him, this made me think that he cannot be fussy about size, and that anything that slightly fits will do. His hat looks as if it is also there to cover his long white greasy hair, his beard is rugged and un pampered making it look un cared for.